1. Material block

  1. Manage Default Condition: Material blocks already have default conditions. These conditions can be updated only when the block is clicked on Lab Inventory.
  2. Manage Additional Conditions: Manage detailed conditions of the block. Adding condition is the same for all types of blocks.

2. Process block

  1. Manage Description, Date & Image: Description, Date, & Image are the mandatory information.
  2. Manage Favorites: Manage frequently used blocks separately on Favorites.
  3. Load Conditions: If there’s a pre-created Process, you can load conditions like a template.
  4. Manage Additional Conditions: Manage detailed conditions of the block. Adding condition is the same for all types of blocks.

3. Set block

  1. Manage Directory: Set block has experiment contents in a single sheet.
  2. Manage Additional Conditions: Manage detailed conditions of the block. Adding condition is the same for all types of blocks.

4. Block Condition Type

  1. There are seven categories to add conditions. Each condition can have a name that you want.
  2. LabNote also provides Popular list of frequently used conditions. Each condition must have a specific label and unit.
  3. Basic Condition
    1. Value: Make numeric values or units of the condition.
    2. Material: Add or sync materials generated in Lab Inventory to the condition**.**
    3. Check Box: Make a checkbox type of the condition.
    4. Radio Button: Make a radio button type of the condition.
    5. Date: Add the date of the condition. Set start & end date as period.
    6. Text: Conventional text input as the condition.
    7. Step: Manage repeated steps like condition (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd).
  4. Popular Condition
    1. Time : sec, min ,hr, day
    2. Speed : cm/s, m/s, rpm
    3. Volume : uL, mL, L
    4. Pressure : atm, Pa, torr
    5. Thickness : nm, um, mm, cm
    6. Wavelength : nm
    7. Temperature : °C, °F
    8. Concentration : %, g/L, M

5. Add Conditions to Blocks

  1. Select Material block to add the conditions to.
  2. The right sidebar with details appears.
  3. Click + Add button to open the condition modal.
  4. Select and add the conditions you want.
  5. Load frequently used conditions from the Popular list.

6. Reorder & Delete Condition

  1. Hover the mouse on the condition and find the six dots on the left side of the condition name.
  2. This is the Drag Handle for you to change the order of the condition through drag-and-drop.
  3. Hover the mouse on the condition and find the x button on the right end of the condition.
  4. Click x button to delete the condition.

7. Set Viewable (in Bench) Conditions

  1. On the selected block's sidebar, click eye-shaped icon to see the dropdown settings.
  2. Select/Unselect the eye-shaped icon to turn on/off the viewability of the condition.
  3. Upto three conditions in the Shown list.
  4. You cannot see the conditions from the block when all conditions are in the Hidden list.
  5. When moving a condition from Shown to Hidden, the order remains the same.

8. Add Description Conditions

  1. Click the Process block to open the detailed sidebar on the right side of the screen.
  2. Use Description to write more details about the Process block.
  3. You can see the Description in Bench when you add something.

9. Upload Image Conditions

  1. Click the Process block to open the detailed sidebar on the right side of the screen.
  2. Click + button to upload the image.
  3. The uploaded image is displayed as a thumbnail in RSB. You can check the number of images in Bench.

10. Add to Favorite Process list

  1. Click the Process block you want to add to the Favorite list.
  2. On the right sidebar, click the star icon to add it to the Favorite list.
  3. On the right sidebar, click the star icon to add it to the Favorite list.
  4. When you add a new process block next time, it will appear on the Favorite list.

11. Import Existing Conditions

  1. Add the Process block that you previously used.
  2. On the detailed sidebar, you can see the alert message with Yes/No options to import used conditions or not.
  3. Click Yes to import all the previously used conditions.
  4. Click No to import an empty condition.

12. Check the Directory of the Set block

  1. Click the Set block to open the detailed sidebar on the right.
  2. Check the block's structure through a simple Directory view.
  3. In Directory, click  button to fold/unfold additional protocols within the Set block.
  4. Double-click on the Set block to open its entire sheet.