1. Manage your Materials
- In the Materials tab, you can manage any materials in the laboratory, such as Chemicals, Nucleic acids, Animals, Organisms, and Cell lines. Let's see how you can manage materials in the Materials Inventory.
- Register items
- Click on the
Add item
button at the top right corner to start registering a new item.
- There are three main ways to add items.
- Quick item Search
- Custom item
- Import items
2. Quick item search
- Quick item search provides an easy way for you to search for items that are used in the laboratory.
- Register items using the Quick item search
- Click on the
Public DB
button at the top left corner.
- Select the category based on the type of search you want to perform.
- Search for items by entering the product name, product number, supplier, etc.
- You may use the
button on the right of the search bar.
- Choose the item you want to register in your Inventory.
- After clicking the
Add item
button, the new items will be shown on your screen and registered in your Inventory.
3. Custom item
- You can also customize the items if you cannot find the materials you want from the Quick item search.
- Add Custom item
- By clicking on the
Custom items
button, you can add a new row.
- Fill out the row by completing the following fields:
- A name is required.
- Note) In the Structure field, SMILES strings are only allowed. Entered strings will allow you to represent the molecule of your item.
4. Import items
- Through the Import items function, you can streamline the registration process via Excel templates for larger volumes of material data.
- Click on the
button to download the template directly into your device.
- After you fill in the template sheet with your data, click
Upload files
to upload it.
- Finally, click on the
button to get your bulk items in the Inventory.
5. Setting up columns
- You can manage columns to indicate the additional information of items according to your laboratory’s needs. Use the following steps to add or edit the column.
- Add new columns
- Click on the
button on the right end of the last column.
- Fill in the blank to give the column a name.
- Once you enter the name, you can see the new column created on the screen.
- Edit columns
- First, click on the column header.
- There are three main ways to edit columns:
- Hide column(s)
- Rename
- Delete
6. Edit items
- Click on the
button on the right side of the item.
- You can simply modify your item by clicking this button.
7. Delete items
- Click on the
button on the right side of the item.
- You can delete items by clicking button.
- If an item is not used in any of the LabNotes, it can be deleted.
- If an item is used in any of the LabNotes, it cannot be dleted.
- If an item is deleted from the inventory, you are no longer able to view the information in Labnotes.
- Please keep in mind that deleting items can affect any Labnote with a history of them.
- Template, PDF, and History may contain deleted items; it would appear as a “Deleted item”.