1. My Cabinet
- On the left side of the screen, here, you can manage Material blocks and Set blocks.
- You can use Material blocks to represent materials used in your experiment.
- You can prepare experiments by creating various material combinations, new types of materials, and protocols of group or process groups with the Set blocks in the Lab Inventory.
- You can find more details by clicking on each block.
2. Directory
- Click the Directory icon on top of the left sidebar to follow your experiment's structure.
- Click the Directory block text area to move Experiment Blocks (Procedure, Process, Material, Set) on the Bench directly.
- You can drag the left sidebar to see the Directory for the wider view.
3. Bench
- The middle of the main screen is the Experiment Bench. A Bench allows you to manage the Material blocks and Set blocks you created.
- A Bench is an area where you can add Material and Process blocks. You can think of it as a lab bench in your laboratory.
- In Bench, you can check the structures of each block, and you can also drag-and-drop blocks around the Bench.
4. Details
- The right section is the status pane, where detailed information about each block is shown.
- Click on the blocks in Lab Inventory or Bench to see the details of the blocks.
- You can check, edit, or add information about each block.
5. LabNote Top Bar
- In LabNote, we offer a menu pane (Top Bar) at the top of the screen. Each tab provides the following options.
- File: You can find the general information of the LabNote and share, edit, move, and delete the LabNote.
- LabNote Details: Details of the LabNote (Title | Creator | Date Created | Date Modified | Copy Availability).
- Get link: A link to LabNote for sharing with collaborators.
- Rename: Change the name of the LabNote.
- Move / Copy / Delete: Move, copy, and delete LabNote.
- Edit: You can use text shortcuts to return to what you initially wrote.
- Undo / Redo: Text shortcuts to undo or redo text inputs.
- Copy Link: You can share your LabNote using the unique URLs.
- Export as PDF: You can export LabNotes in a PDF format.
- Download LabNotes in a PDF format which can be used as research notes.
- E-sign this LabNote: You can request E-signs of your LabNotes to reviewers.
- Every LabNote can be verified with E-signs.
- Finalize your LabNote with the E-sign of yourself or other reviewers.
- Help: You can find your answers in the User Guide.
- Click
tab to visit the LabNote User Guide page.