1. My Cabinet

  1. On the left side of the screen, here, you can manage Material blocks and Set blocks.
  2. You can use Material blocks to represent materials used in your experiment.
  3. You can prepare experiments by creating various material combinations, new types of materials, and protocols of group or process groups with the Set blocks in the Lab Inventory.
  4. You can find more details by clicking on each block.

2. Directory

  1. Click the Directory icon on top of the left sidebar to follow your experiment's structure.
  2. Click the Directory block text area to move Experiment Blocks (Procedure, Process, Material, Set) on the Bench directly.
  3. You can drag the left sidebar to see the Directory for the wider view.

3. Bench

  1. The middle of the main screen is the Experiment Bench. A Bench allows you to manage the Material blocks and Set blocks you created.
    1. Bench is an area where you can add Material and Process blocks. You can think of it as a lab bench in your laboratory.
    2. In Bench, you can check the structures of each block, and you can also drag-and-drop blocks around the Bench.

4. Details

  1. The right section is the status pane, where detailed information about each block is shown.
  2. Click on the blocks in Lab Inventory or Bench to see the details of the blocks.
  3. You can check, edit, or add information about each block.

5. LabNote Top Bar

  1. In LabNote, we offer a menu pane (Top Bar) at the top of the screen. Each tab provides the following options.
  2. File: You can find the general information of the LabNote and share, edit, move, and delete the LabNote.
  3. Edit: You can use text shortcuts to return to what you initially wrote.
  4. Copy Link: You can share your LabNote using the unique URLs.
  5. Export as PDF: You can export LabNotes in a PDF format.
  6. E-sign this LabNote: You can request E-signs of your LabNotes to reviewers.
  7. Help: You can find your answers in the User Guide.